Morning of Outreach on Optoelectronic Technologies for Structural Monitoring at SIC Academy
Morning of Outreach on Optoelectronic Technologies for Structural Monitoring at SIC Academy The SIC Academy – Smart Infrastructures & Construction Academy, coordinated by Prof. Prota Andrea, hosted a special outreach event focused on the latest advancements in optoelectronic technologies for structural monitoring. Together with Dr. Vincenzo Romano Marrazzo, we brought a part of the OptoPowerLab to […]
OptoPowerLab on a visit to the Laboratoire Hubert Curien in Saint-Etienne
OptoPowerLab on a visit to the Laboratoire Hubert Curien in Saint-Etienne Dr. Francesco Fienga recently visited the Laboratoire Hubert Curien in Saint-Étienne, following an invitation from Prof. Sylvain Girard. During his visit, he had the opportunity to explore the laboratory’s research activities and engage in insightful discussions with its members. As part of his visit, […]
OptoPowerLab at the 3rd DRD1 Collaboration Meeting held at CERN
OptoPowerLab at the 3rd DRD1 Collaboration Meeting held at CERN On Wednesday, December 11th, Dr. Vincenzo Romano Marrazzo partecipated in the DRD1 meeting at CERN in Geneva, where he contributed to the “Working Group 5: Electronics for Gaseous Detectors” session. During his presentation, Dr. Marrazzo introduced a contribution entitled “Full Analog Circuit Breaker Based on […]