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Optoelectronics and Power Devices of the University of Naples Federico II

advanced research and innovation in optoelectronics and power electronics

Power electronics activities

OptoPowerLab integrates decades of experience and innovation in the design and characterization of optoelectronic and power devices, driving new scientific and technological frontiers.

Research Topics
The research activities in power electronics mainly focus on:

  1. Characterization and reliability assessment of various types of semiconductor devices using advanced infrared thermography techniques and the development of custom measurement test benches.
  2. Design development of innovative semiconductor devices through TCAD simulations.
  3. Compact electrothermal modeling of semiconductor components and circuits for electric power management.


advanced research and innovation in optoelectronics and power electronics

Research Team

In 2013, with the establishment of the current Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI), the laboratory officially adopted the name OptoPowerLab.

Instrumentation/Lab Facilities

Instrumentation/Lab Facilities

Our main equipment consists of: a pulsed Nd:YAG laser source with second and third harmonic generator; an OPO oscillator for producing laser beams (from UV to near-infrared); short-pulse laser diodes (<1ns); a tunable laser (from 1520 nm to 1570 nm with a line width of 0.01 nm); a diagnostic system for laser beams and an IR camera; a UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer; waveguide and optoelectronic device micromanipulation systems with sub-micrometer resolution; oscilloscopes and acquisition boards with high sampling frequency, anti-vibration optical tables, and high-precision mechanical components. There are several collaborations with industries and research centers working in these fields.

Come find our detailed list of instruments.

Optical Instrumentation

Sensor reading equipment: Micron Optics sm130 interrogator – Luna Hyperion si155 interrogator…

Power Electronics Instrumentation

High-voltage power supply: High Voltage DC Supply System 6624A HP  – High Voltage DC Supply PS375 20kV….

General Purpose Instrumentation

General equipment: Climate Chamber Evolution EC050CA – Voltera V1 PCB prototyping – 3x Ruzizao DC Power supply SPS3010…

Key partnerships with industry-leading companies, such as:


International Rectifier (now Vishay Semiconductor), Toyota Motor Corporation, Infineon, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, ABB Switzerland, the RF section of SELEX-SI; as well as key research institutions: DIMES at TU Delft University, the IMM-CNR Institute in Bologna, and the School of Engineering at Warwick University.

A significant long-term collaboration with CERN in Geneva was initiated back in 2009 and continues to this day, engaging substantial resources from OptoPowerLab to provide support and cooperation to various CERN departments and sections, as well as to the CMS experiment, focusing on monitoring topics and, more recently, on system electronics.